4 bay 3d printing enclosure design and build

The Beginning

April 2021

COVID 19 has affected us all in some way.  Lannix Design was created in response to the uncertainty that the pandemic has brought with it.  The business has been created as a way to turn what was a hobby into a real business.

3D printers can be temperamental and are affected by temperature and humidity fluctuations.  In order to make the end product more consistent and of a higher quality,  an enclosure is required to insulate the machines from these atmospheric changes.

Stage one of the enclosure’s implementation is now complete and has made a huge difference to print quality.  Check out some of the images below which include some 3D printed templates and brackets that aided in the construction of the enclosure.

Future additions to this project will include an air filtration system governed by a microcontroller.  This will allow the use of filaments which emit unpleasant fumes, which will be captured in activated carbon and HEPA filters.

4 bay 3d printing enclosure design and build

Design concept – 3D printer enclosure/laser cutter bench

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Gallery - 3D printed parts to make 3D printed parts!